How to get the most out of your supplements

How to get the most out of your supplements

When it comes to supplements we often wonder when the best time to take them is and can timing make them more effective? So should you take them at breakfast, lunch, dinner or just whenever you remember to during the day?

First of all taking them is always better than not taking them but the general recommendation is to take supplements with food, and spread evenly throughout the day with meals. However different vitamins are suited to different times, some are better first thing or later during the day, and personal preference with what works for you and your lifestyle also plays a role like after a workout or before bed.

For multivitamins, such as the USANA CellSentials™, it’s best to take them just after a meal as most vitamins and minerals shouldn’t be taken on an empty stomach due to poor absorption and accompanying nausea.

It’s important to take your supplements in the morning because it gives them the best chance to be absorbed into your system and kick starts the day with a good nutritional foundation.

After your breakfast dose it's recommended to take Cellsentials™ with other meals throughout the day and preferably spread the dosage evenly throughout the day for optimal results.

Another point to remember is to try and take your supplements at the same or similar time each day as this will help the absorption of vitamins into your system.

USANA CellSentials™ provide the advanced nutritional foundation for every adult, every day, to support lifelong health.

Should I Take Supplements with Food & Other Queries

It’s that time again — USANA Fact or Fiction is ready to uncover the truth behind your burning questions. And hey, why not turn to our handy Ask the Scientists database to answer a handful of USANA product questions?

Let’s take a look at some of the information pulled from our database to help clear up any confusion you or your customers might have about USANA. And be sure to visit Ask the Scientists whenever you’re faced with a question about our products.

1. Should I take USANA supplements with a meal?

vitamins with meal

There are several reasons it can be beneficial to take dietary supplements with food or a complete meal. One reason is to buffer the stomach (especially important for those with sensitive stomachs). Another reason is to increase consistency and compliance with the recommended dosage. Many people find it easier to form a habit of taking supplements alongside a meal, as opposed to taking them separately.

Perhaps the best reason to take supplements with a meal is that some nutrients (e.g. fat-soluble nutrients and calcium) typically have improved absorption when taken with a meal or snack.

2. What is Hepasil DTX™?

Hepasil DTX™ is a carefully formulated blend of antioxidants aimed at supporting and maintaining the body’s second largest organ: the liver.

The main ingredient in Hepasil DTX™ is Milk Thistle Extract. It is one of the most powerful antioxidants currently known, and it helps to increase both the amount and the activity of several antioxidant enzyme systems involved in the detoxification process (including superoxide dismutase (SOD) and the glutathione peroxidase system).

Other important antioxidants in Hepasil DTX™ include alpha-lipoic acid, green tea extract, turmeric extract, and the patented olive fruit extract Olivol. Each of these helps to protect multiple enzyme systems in the liver, as well as providing secondary antioxidant protection to the rest of the body.

Additional key ingredients in Hepasil include choline (a precursor to betaine and a methyl-group donor in detoxification reactions), n-acetyl L-cysteine (a precursor to glutathione), and biotin (a key component of fatty acid synthesis).

child eating protein bar

3. Can children use the USANA Foods?

School-aged children (typically 5+ years old) can occasionally use the USANA Foods as a snack in addition to their regular meals. The USANA Foods should not, however, be used as meal replacements for children.

Also, due to its high fiber content, Fibegry Plus would not be appropriate at recommended serving sizes until adolescence. For pre-teens, serving sizes of the Nutrimeals may need to be adjusted according to the size and activity of the child.

4. Can vitamin A supplementation weaken bones?

Several studies have correlated high levels of vitamin A intake with brittle bones. These studies appear to be in line with other evidence correlating excess vitamin A (retinol, retinyl palmitate or acetate) with an increase in fracture risk.

Please note that these studies do NOT relate to beta-carotene consumption.

Beta-carotene is completely non-toxic and does not relate to elevated vitamin A levels in the blood or toxicity in the liver. The amount of beta-carotene in the Essentials™ (15,000 IU) is roughly equivalent to the amount found in one carrot (15,000–20,000 IU).

broken arm

5. How does USANA ensure product safety, especially for new products?

Product safety is assessed on a case-by-case basis. Toxicities of vitamins and minerals have been researched at length, and USANA has considered all available information when formulating its nutritional products.

Most vitamins have low toxicities, and for many no toxicity has ever been observed. Some fat-soluble vitamins can be toxic at high doses, but even when typical dietary intakes are considered, the amounts of vitamins and minerals in USANA supplements — when used as directed — do not come close to harmful levels.


Chronic intakes of vitamins and minerals at levels exceeding the LOAEL (Lowest Observed Adverse Effect Level) can cause health problems, but the amounts of vitamins and minerals found in USANA’s products have been formulated to remain below these levels. USANA products are designed to enhance health, not be detrimental to it.

A good source of information on general vitamin and mineral safety is Vitamin and Mineral Safety, 2nd Edition by John N. Hathcock, Ph.D. Council of Responsible Nutrition. 2004. Concerned individuals can also contact the Council for Responsible Nutrition.

USANA’s food products are formulated using ingredients with an extensive history of safe use in humans. In addition, all USANA food products are tested for heavy metal contamination (which includes lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium) and meet or exceed the most stringent standards for safety regarding these metals (e.g. the state of California’s Proposition 65).

The Sensé products have been extensively tested under dermatologist and ophthalmologist-supervised conditions. All ingredients must comply with strict safety standards set by governmental regulations.

I hope that answers some of the most common questions about USANA products! Remember, to check Ask the Scientist when you or a customer has a question you’re not sure about! © All Rights Reserved