Gym Closed? Here's 10 Free Online Fitness Streams to Try

Gym Closed? Here's 10 Free Online Fitness Streams to Try


As the coronavirus has evolved over the past few weeks so has our communities. Unfortunately for many, social distancing means most gyms are closing their doors temporarily. The good news, there are still plenty of ways to get a great workout from the comfort of your own home. Here are 10 of our favorite free places to stream your favorite workout today!


Planet Fitness is encouraging people to remain active at home. Tune in to their Facebook Lives for FREE at-home workouts.


Peloton is inviting new users to try the Peloton App FREE for the next 90 days. Yoga, HIIT, stretching, and other categories are included. And the in-app workouts don’t require you own any Peloton equipment.


CorePower is giving FREE access to a special collection of online classes through CorePower Yoga On Demand. Keep up your practice from home with new C1, C2, Sculpt, HPF and even meditation classes available each week.


Daily Burn is committing to 60 days of FREE workouts to help you stay strong.


Obé offers new users 30 days FREE when you sign up for the app (use code ATHOME). Enjoy live classes and more than 2,500 on demand workouts to choose from.


Take a Bar Method class online from the comfort of your own home! Participate in a live stream workout or choose from a variety of prerecorded workouts with a 14-day FREE trial for new members. Any preexisting clients who maintain their membership during the next few weeks will get 10 percent off their membership for the next two months.


The Nike Run Club app offers workouts from top running coaches for all levels. The app also tracks your distance and pace, so you can be sure to get your steps in while you’re cooped up inside. And it’s ALWAYS FREE!



The Down Dog, Yoga for Beginners, HIIT, Barre, and 7 Minute Workout apps are COMPLETELY FREE until April 1! They are also offering FREE access until July 1 for all students and teachers. Select your time, level, focus, voice, and music and Down Dog creates a unique, personalized yoga practice every time.


P.volve carries a number of streamed, functional movement workouts, and are currently offering 30 days of FREE streaming for new members (code OnePvolve at checkout). On top of that, they’re going live on Instagram with new workouts every day!


You can even Crossfit from home! Check out these FREE at-home workout videos, including single exercises and drills.

Any streaming sites or apps we missed? Let us know in the comments! Whether you use one of these, go on a hike, or take your dog for a run, make sure to keep up your fitness routine, and your spirits, during this time of social distancing. © All Rights Reserved